Letters, petitions, and reports, 1804-1835. by New Orleans (La.) Conseil de Ville 1804-1835. Subjects Madison, James, 1751-1836. Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845. Claiborne, William C. C. (William Charles Cole), 1775-1817. Villere, Jacques Philippe, 1761-1830. Roman, Andre Bienvenu, 1795-1866. Johnson, Henry, 1783-1864. Clark, Daniel, 1766-1813. Livingston, Edward, 1764-1836. Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820. Marigny, Bernard, 1785-1860. City councils -- Louisiana -- New Orleans. Call #: AB320 1804-1835 Requests: 0 Description: 3 v. Notes: Available on two rolls of 35mm microfilm from, Louisiana Division, New Orleans Public Library, 219 Loyola Ave., New Orleans, La., 70140, for purchase, interlibrary loan, or in-house use. Forms part of the New Orleans (La.) Conseil de Ville records. Summary: Essentially the incoming correspondence of the Conseil de Ville (and of the Conseil Municipal prior to March 11, 1805). Consists of manuscript letters, for the most part, but also including petitions of citizens for various improvements. Correspondents include Presidents James Madison and Andrew Jackson; Governors William C.C. Claiborne, Jacques Villere, Henry Johnson (also letters from his term as U.S. Senator), and A.B. Roman; and such prominent citizens as Daniel Clark, Edward Livingston, Bernard Marigny, and Benjamin Henry Latrobe. The subject matter of these communications is quite varied, ranging from issues of public health and the defense of the city against the British invaders, to interests of private property and the establishment of protestant congregations in New Orleans. Several of the letters are accompanied by drawings, most notably a set of four watercolor plans annexed to an 1816 essay on flood control written by Latrobe. This series is a continuation of the Petitions, Decrees, and Letters of the Cabildo, 1770-1803, which began the numerical filing sequence by which the individual documents are arranged. All of the documents in this numerical filing sequence were part of a loan of materials made to the Louisiana State Museum in 1915. While in the custody of the Museum translations/typescripts were made of the documents. The original documents were returned to the archives collection in 1947, but the translations/typescripts remain at the Museum (photocopies of some of them are available in the archives collection).