Rapides(Old)Cemetery, Rapides Parish, Louisiana
Submitted by Gilbert and Jane McManus

Copyright. All rights reserved. 

Directions:  From the O.K. Allen Bridge in Pineville, go East on Main
Street and turn left onto Hardtner Street (the first left turn after
crossing the bridge).  Go about half a block and turn left again onto
Hatti Street, which curves around to the front entrance of the Old
Rapides Cemetery.  Enter through the front gate and park along the

Wells, Emma J., wife of J. M. Wells - 16 Jan 1855/1 Mar 1900
Wells, James Madison - 23 Sep 1842/15 Sep 1897

Wells, James Madison - 7 Jan 1808 Rapides Parish, LA/28 Feb 1899 
Wells, Mary Ann - 11 Oct 1816 Alexandria LA/3 Aug 1899
     [2 Identical brick vaults & obelisk for James & Mary Wells]