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Locust Grove Cemetery

Elm Park

Pictures by Martin Gauthier

Locust Grove

State Historic Site


Jefferson Davis Stirling II

Oct. 27, 1919     Sept. 17, 1982


Joe D. Smith

Apr. 23, 1850

Dec. 26, 1900


Jeff D. Smith

Sept. 18, 1858

Sept. 7, 1907

Ida Maye Balfour

Dec. 11, 1867

Feb. 11, 1953


Louis  Gartley Balfour

June 14, 1879

Mar. 12, 1920







JAN  22  1842

APRIL  28  1919

Balfour, L. G., Pvt. Co. B. 3rd Regt. La. Cavalry. On Roll of Prisoners of War Paroled Natchitoches, La., June 6th, 1865. Res., Vernon, Madison Co., Miss.

Above from Records of Louisiana Confederate Soldiers by Andrew B. Booth

Lucy Boyle Smith

wife of

Louis Gartley Balfour

Apr. 22, 1848  -  Dec. 29, 1917


Holly Balfour

Apr. 10, 1882

June 18, 1898


Lou B. Balfour

Oct. 8, 1877

Sept 3, 1963


Joseph D. Smith M.D.

1817 - 1876

One in whom

Mankind lost a friend


Mary Cora Smith

Nee Guibert

1822 - 1863

A perfect woman

Nobly planned.


Boys Grave

Unknown Surname


1860 - 1861



1857 - 1861


Of such is the kingdom of God.

Coralie Guibert

Nee Beauvais

1802 - 1866

(niece of Gov. Arnaud Beauvais)

Auguste Guibert

1824 - 18??


Auguste G. Smith

Aug.  6, 1852

July 30, 1866


Helen Keary Smith

June 23, 1863

Dec. 3, 1878


Anna Davis Smith

Sept. 6, 1841

Aug. 8, 1938


Amanda Philander Smith

wife of Stephen Cobb Stirling

Mar. 5, 1854 - Ja. 10, 1926


Gen. Eleazer W. Ripley

Mar. 29, 1839

aged 54 years


Aurelia Wheelock Ripley

daughter of E. W. & Aurelia Ripley

Born July 28, 1833

Died July 28, 1834

aged 1 year

Dr. Bn. Davis
( a brother of Jefferson Davis)

who died the 22nd of

October 1827

aged 39 years


Mary Ann

daughter of

Dr. Bn. & Aurella Davis

who died the 15th of

April 1828, aged

2 years and 8 months.

Anna E. Smith
( a sister of Jefferson Davis)

Nee Davis

Sep. 1, 1791

Aug. 13, 1870

None knew her but to love her

None named her but to praise her.

Luther L. Smith
(owner of the plantation, brother-in-law of Jefferson Davis)

Died 23rd Dec. 1833

Aged 63 Years



Tomb of Sarah Knox Taylor Davis


Sarah Knox Davis
(daughter of Zachary Taylor)

Wife of Jefferson Davis


15th Sep. 1835

Aged 21 Years


William D. Boyle


Sept. 21, 1847

aged 41 years



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