St. John Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery (AA)

Transcription by Erin Antley

Reverend Jimmy Lee Holly          07/23/1951-04/26/2009 (homemade wooden cross)

Clara Jean Holly                             1952-2005 (funeral home marker only)

Johnie J. Williams, Jr.                   09/15/1939-2004 (SP5 US Army Vietnam, veteranÕs marker)

Clara Richard                                  12/12/1916-03/20/2004 (homemade marker)

William Richard, Jr.                       1926-2011 (funeral home marker only)

Deborah LaShay Nelson              06/20/1970-01/26/2008 (ÒLoving Memories Last ForeverÓ)

Mary Alice Douglas                        08/13/1934-11/24/2003 (Tombstone with photo)

James Kesee                                     02/11/1952-01/18/2003

Raymond Moore                             11/07/1935-05/06/1995

James Lee                                         03/09/1946-08/14/1994

Anna Washington Lee                     07/02/1907-02/14/1993 (w/o Ben, married  08/24/1928, double stone)

Ben ÒPapaÓ Lee                              08/20/1908-03/22/1999 (h/o Anna, see above)

Sarah Lee Washington                    07/09/1942-10/05/2001 (Vault with headstone)

Ida Mae Lee                                      06/06/1932-04/29/1986

RB Lee                                                12/11/1929-06/09/1981

Bessie Mae Lewis Finley                  08/01/1939-06/05/1977

Roosevelt Taylor                               07/17/1921-12/14/1989 (TEC 4, US Army, WWII, VeteranÕs stone)

Lattie Mae Matthews                      12/27/1926-10/28/1974 (Appears to be well made home made stone)

Lee Taylor                                           08/16/1896-07/10/1976

Jim Tisdale                                          07/05/1896-04/10/1936 (Arkansas PVT 73 CO 162 Depot Brigade, WWI)

Claudie Holly                                       12/25/1922-07/14/1984 (Concrete vault with large sticker noting name)

Lizzie Cleveland                                  1890-1958 (ÒPlaced by Son FrankÓ)

Rose Richard                                       Dates hard to read,  double stone with Frank

Frank Richard                                      Dates hard to read,  double stone with Rose

Louise Newton                                   1922-2008 (Large concrete vault)

Tem Mack                                            02/05/1916-06/28/1968 (Home made cross)

Rubin Richard                                       Dates illegible, stone partially buried, veteranÕs marker

Henry Lee Mack                                  1926-1966

Georgia Williams Jackson                 03/25/1902-09/13/1984

TJ Rivers                                               08/01/1917-11/18/1975 (Double stone with Corrine)

Corrine S. Rivers                                  05/19/1919-06/29/1935 (Double stone with TJ)

Ceola Williams                                     1921-1961 (Home made marker)

Van Graham                                          09/03/1887-08/30/1971

Dea James Lee, Sr.                              10/03/1900-02/26/1976

Mollie Richards                                     08/18/1899-09/8/1910 (Daughter of HR & Lizzie)

(Child) Richards                                     06/07/1908-03/02/1914 (Broken stone, first name is missing)

Linda Pugh                                              04/27/1960-10/04/2009

Press Moses                                           03/18/1867-05/1937 (Home made concrete cross)


There are quite a few unmarked graves.  I would venture a guess that there could be as many as 50 unmarked.  There are several that are just simply illegible and about 5-10 vaults that are visible but not marked.  I noted at least 10 funeral home markers that are unreadable.  I do not know the history of this cemetery and most people I have talked with did not even know of itÕs existence.  It is in the very back field behind a small African-American Church but many of the burials obviously predate the church building.  I feel that it is likely that there are burials that extend into the woods behind the cemetery that are unmarked.